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Prabhus Books provides charged Shipping as delivery charges will be according to Distance and Shipping Service selected by you.
We process all deliveries through reputed couriers.If there is no courier service available in your area, we will ship via Government Registered Book post /Speed post/Express Parcel.
The estimated time of delivery is 3-7 days for “In Stock”. It may differ from one item to another, one place to another. For all areas serviced by reputed couriers the delivery time will be 3-7 business days. For other areas, orders will be sent by Registered Post through the Indian Postal Service which may take 1-2 weeks depending on the location.Business days exclude public holidays and Sundays.
These items are soon to be released and we prebook your item for you. The item will be shipped to you on the day of it's official release launch. The Preorder duration varies from item to item.
We will procure and deliver if we do not have these products available for sale.
There are no extra taxes, hidden costs or additional shipping charges. The price mentioned on the website is the final price. What you see is what you pay. Our prices are all inclusive. All taxes are included with the list prices.
Currently, We doesn't deliver items internationally. You are more than welcome to make your purchases on our site from anywhere in the world, but you'll have to ensure the Delivery Address is within India.
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